Free Kindergarten Pattern Worksheets
Are you looking for Free Kindergarten Pattern Worksheets? Pattern printables can help kids improve their math.
This is a huge collection of different pattern worksheets created with different sequences like ABAB, ABB, AAB, AABB, ABC, etc.

Printable Pattern Worksheets
You can use these pattern worksheets for kindergarten, preschool and elementary students.
This no-prep printable pdf contains different types of pattern activities designed around different seasons, festivals, numbers, objects and more.
So you can include these pattern worksheets in your homeschooling curriculum and use them throughout the year.
Jelly Bean Pattern Worksheet

This is a jelly bean coloring pattern worksheet, in this worksheet, kids will have to observe the color pattern and then color the jelly bean to complete the pattern.
Balloon Coloring Pattern Worksheet

Then you’ll find this balloon pattern worksheet, here again, kids will have to color the blank balloon of each row to complete the color pattern.
Heart Pattern Worksheet

This is another coloring pattern worksheet, in this one kids will color the last heart with the appropriate color to complete the heart coloring pattern.
Ice Cream Pattern Worksheet

This is an ice cream pattern worksheet, here kids will have the freedom to use any color of their choice to create unique patterns.
Lollipop Pattern Worksheet

Next is this lollipop pattern worksheet, here again, kids can choose their color or you can choose a set of colors and let them create their color patterns.
Kite Pattern Worksheet

Kids can use any color in this kite pattern worksheet to create different patterns.
Shape Pattern Worksheet

This is a shape pattern worksheet, here kids will have to understand the patterns in each row and then draw the correct shape in the blank boxes to finish the patterns.
Dot Pattern Worksheet

This is a fun dot marker pattern worksheet, kids will enjoy doing this one as they can use their dot marker colors to create unique patterns.
Number Sequence Pattern Worksheet

Then you’ll find this number sequence pattern worksheet, here kids will have to write the correct number in the blank box to complete the pattern.
This counting worksheet can help kids to improve their counting.
Skip Counting Pattern Worksheet

This is another math worksheet based on skip counting, here kids will have to understand the skip counting pattern in each row and then write the correct number in the box.
Number Pattern Worksheet

In this number pattern worksheet, kids will have to write the correct number in the blank box to finish the pattern.
Missing Number Pattern Worksheet

This one is a missing number pattern worksheet, this activity will test the counting skills of your students.
Here they have to observe and understand the number pattern and then they have to write the missing number to complete the pattern.
Spring Pattern Worksheet

This is a spring pattern worksheet here, you’ll find different objects related to the spring season.
Here kids will have to understand the pattern and then color the correct image in the last box to complete the pattern.
Check more spring pattern printables.
Summer Pattern Worksheet

This pattern worksheet is created around the summer season. Similar to the previous worksheet kids have to color the correct image to finish the pattern.
Also, check cut and paste pattern worksheets for summer.
Fall Pattern Worksheet

Next is this fall pattern worksheet, kids have to color the correct image from the last box to complete the pattern.
Winter Pattern Worksheet

In this worksheet, children will color the correct object image in the last box to complete this winter pattern worksheet.
Christmas Pattern Worksheet

This is a Christmas pattern worksheet, this can be a great Christmas activity for kids. Here they have to color the correct image from the last box to complete the pattern.
Easter Pattern Worksheet

This free pattern worksheet is created around Easter, kids will enjoy doing this on Easter. They have to color the correct image from the last box to complete the pattern.
Halloween Pattern Worksheet

This is another themed pattern worksheet, it is created around Halloween. In this one, too children will color the correct image from the last box to complete the pattern.
Don’t forget to check the Valentine’s Day worksheets for the Valentine’s Day pattern worksheet.
Flower Pattern Worksheet

In this flower pattern worksheet, kids will color the appropriate flower to create the pattern.
Fruit Pattern Worksheet

Then you’ll find this fruit pattern worksheet. Kids will find patterns created with different fruits, in each row they have to color the correct fruit to finish the pattern.
Vegetable Pattern Worksheet

This is a pattern worksheet created around vegetables only, like the other above worksheets kids will color the correct vegetable to build the pattern.
Leaf Pattern Worksheet

It is a leaf pattern worksheet, consisting of different types of leaves. Students will find the correct leaf from the last box which creates the right pattern then they will color it.
Insect Pattern Worksheet

Next is this insect pattern worksheet, in this one too kids will color the correct insect to finish the pattern.
Emotion Pattern Worksheet

Finally, you’ll find this emotion pattern worksheet, created with different fun emojis. Kids will enjoy doing this pattern activity as they will color the correct emoji of the last box in each row to complete the pattern.
I hope kids will have lots of fun doing these pattern worksheets.
Note: These free printable worksheets are for personal or classroom use only. Altering or redistribution is not allowed in any way.