Spring subtraction worksheets for kindergarten
Free spring subtraction worksheet for kindergarten.
Once kids learn to do additions next step is to teach them subtractions, you can use these free spring subtraction worksheets for practice.

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Free subtraction worksheets for kindergarten
Just like the spring addition worksheets I have created spring subtraction worksheets.
This worksheet too has three different subtraction activities and I think kids will enjoy doing them.
Spring color by subtraction worksheet

For this activity, kids will do the subtraction and color the umbrella according to the answer.
You can make this little more interesting by letting children choose four colors of their choice and assign an answer to each one.
Flowers subtraction worksheet

This is a bit unique activity here kids will have to figure out the correct subtraction equation by coloring the flowers.
To solve the problem you can ask kids to use all the images on the left and just play with the other side.
But for advanced kids, you can let them create different equations by using images on both sides.
Spring insects subtraction worksheet

In this insects subtraction worksheet, kids will use the images and color them to solve the subtraction problems.
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Note: These free printable worksheets are for personal or classroom use only. Altering or redistribution is not allowed in any way.